Central Depository-Archive
1314 Bedford Avenue, Suite 102
Baltimore, Maryland 21208

T (443) 548-3065
F (410) 653-3451

NESAD™ Security & Insurance

NESAD™: The Depository-Archive Has Cyber Security Protocols, Appropriate Insurances, Copyrights, Trademarks, License Agreements, and USPTO Patents in Effect


The NESAD™ Website Itself: SSL Certification and SSL Encryption

The National Environmental Site Assessment Depository, Inc.™ and NESAD, Inc.™ website itself has SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certification and encryption. SSL is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client… typically a web server (website) and a browser, or a mail server, and a mail client. SSL allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials to be transmitted securely. Normally, data sent between browsers and web servers is sent in plain text… leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. If an attacker is able to intercept all data being sent between a browser and a web server, they can see and use that information. Importantly, SSL is an accepted security protocol which describes how algorithms are to be used. In this case, the NESAD SSL protocol determines variables of the encryption for both the link and the data being transmitted.  Internet users have come to associate their online security with the lock icon that comes with an SSL-secured website or green address bar that comes with an extended validation SSL-secured website; NESAD‘s URL confirms the SSL encryption with the visible lock icon.

Of notable importance, there is “dead space” between the NESAD™ website itself (www.nesad.us) and the depository-archive document collection. Documents cannot in any way be downloaded from or obtained directly through the NESAD™ website electronically. The actual NESAD Map Search™ map data itself is dynamic; it changes and grows almost minute by minute and as such, would not be useful or valuable if stolen. The NESAD Map Search™ program (including its specific functionality) has patent pending status with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office with the final patent conversion application in place and under evaluation. Approval of the final application’s approval by the USPTO is roundly anticipated.

The NESAD Depository-Archive: Internal Computer Network Cyber Security Protocols

NESAD pledges to protect its intellectual property rights, the ownership rights of its depositing subscribers, and the depository-archive collection. NESAD, Inc. has implemented a tiered data protection and security model including multiple perimeter walls of defense to counter cyber threats. Multiple defense layers isolate and contain data should one of the defense perimeters be compromised from internal or external threats.

NESAD security protocols Include both logical, e.g. authorization, authentication, encryption, and passwords and physical, e.g. restricted access and locks on server, storage and networking cabinets, security. NESAD™’s logical security includes securing its networks with firewalls, running anti spyware and virus-detection programs on servers and network-addressed storage systems. NESAD™’s applications, databases, file systems and server operating systems are secure to prevent unauthorized or disruptive access to your stored data. NESAD has storage system based volume and logical unit number mapping and masking as a final line of defense for your stored documents and data. NESAD changes its key-code and door-lock combinations regularly, informing only those who need access, and NESAD changes its default passwords on all its storage and networking tool management passwords at installation and on an ongoing basis, and restricts access to management tools to those who need it. NESAD uses data-discovery tools to identify sensitive document and subscriber data that may not be adequately protected.

Lastly, NESAD conducts background checks of employment candidates, contractors, and third-party personnel who will be handling NESAD subscriber data and documents. Any mismanagement, loss, or unauthorized distribution or sale of NESAD subscriber information and/or deposited documents will be subject to immediate termination, investigation, and possible legal prosecution.

NESAD™ Depository-Archive Insurance Coverages

NESAD has carefully evaluated both its own and it subscribers’ electronic data liability. The primary exposure faced by NESADis loss of, damage to, corruption of, or inability to access or properly manipulate electronically stored data within the depository-archive. NESAD maintains full indemnity insurance coverage against permanent loss of data, and has established insurance risk management practices, data storage methodologies, auditing protocols, and a proprietary data insurance policy management platform. NESAD has obtained insurance coverage to cover e-commerce and other electronic data risks including document data loss caused by a power outage, hacking, an IT accident, data theft, accidental sharing of information, software malfunc­tion, mishandling of data, a rogue em­ployee, defamation or slander related to internet postings; copyright and trademark violations related to internet usage, extor­tion (e.g. disabling or threatening to disable a computer system or to destroy data if a cer­tain payment is not made), and corporate espionage.